CVE-2020-8817 - Mass Assignment in "Created by" attributes of Dataiku DSS Project Wiki Articles
- CVE Id: CVE-2020-8817
- CVSS Base Score: 4.3
- Severity: Medium
- CWE classification: CWE-284
Dataiku DSS - CVE-2020-8817 Advisory
Affected asset(s)
- https://dataiku-dss-api/dip/api/projects/wikis/save-article
A user with access to a project that can Edit a Wiki Article can taint the input going to the API endpoint and replace the Created By attributes of the Wiki Article to be any other arbitrary values such as user, timestamp, etc.
Steps to reproduce
- A victim creates a new article
Figure 1 – Newly created article with valid Creation values
Attacker accesses an article that he can edit:
He intercepts the requests made to the API after Saving
He replaces the values inside the json array corresponding to the Creation Tag (i.e. user, and timestamp):
Figure 2 - Request with highlighted “Created By” User and Timestamp values that will be replaced
- Anyone who accesses the article View section will see the injected false values
Figure 3 - A third user (or any other user) accesses the article and sees the fake values injected by the attacker
Compromise of integrity of Wiki Article functionality – an attacker can induce others to think it was an arbitrary user or even an unexisting user that created an article when it wasn’t
- Edit access to the article
Remove the possibility Creation Tag from being generated client-side and sent to the server via API without validation